We have uploaded New Testament Bible stories here. You can listen to and download them freely by clicking the download icon below.
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The birth of Jesus | The story of New heaven and earth | The story of Paul | The story of Richman and Lazarus | The teaching of Christ | The story of Stipan | The story of Kornel | The story of Jakshya | The unknown god | The Selection of Deacons | The storm became calm | The story of Batimas the blind | The Ressurection of Christ | The Preaching of Peter | The cripple man healed | The death of Christ | The duff and mute healed | The mother wombs cripple man healed | Pray without ceasing | Jesus turn water into wine | The parable of Heavenly kingdom | Jesus appeared to his disciples | Jesus Healed the demonic boy | Jesus taught how to pray | The teaching of Christ to serve